NAESC Awards
NAESC member schools can apply for the following awards to receive recognition for their outstanding work and achievements
Best Social Event
A single social event put on by a council that brings students of different engineering disciplines together and better engages the engineering student body.
Best New Student Involvement
The council that gets new students (both on the council and in the college at large) involved.
Best Council Outreach Event
The council that best serves the local community through service or philanthropy.
Best Professional Development Event
The council which best prepares students for the professional world.
Best Engineer’s Week
The Council that holds the most engaging and creative event(s) during Engineers Week.
Most Improved Council
The council which has improved over the past several years in regards to involvement, events, council unity, etc.
Most Outstanding Small Council
The council that best serves an engineering student body of less than 2,000 undergraduates.
Most Outstanding Large Council
The council that best serves an engineering student body over 2,000 undergraduates.
Outstanding NAESC Involvement
The council that has supported and interacted with NAESC the most in the last year.